The Time at the Bathhouse - Skyfire S2E3
Chris/GM: Hi, my name is
Christopher Rondeau, and I'm
the Game Master for Skyfire.
Just wanted to give you a heads
up that there is a content
warning for this episode.
There are themes of self harm, as
well as body modification, so if
those things are triggering to you,
then come back for next episode.
So do you guys have a
favorite companion yet?
I know which ones are rubbing the
party the wrong way, but maybe Do
you have ones that are engaging yet?
Jake/Bilge: So far, I think
my favorite might be Ember,
both mechanically and combat.
And as far as a social spectrum goes,
because she's our, uh, marine lead,
and she's kind of full of life and
wants to, uh, still believe in people.
Whereas, like, the next in
line for that is maybe Jasper.
He wants to, but
sometimes he knows better.
I mean, or he just can't anymore.
And then I think Belgium shoes
see through a lot of that.
A lot of shit.
They're less inclined to believe
in the good in strangers.
Shou/Hayden: There's a reason
that Shu didn't bring Ember
along to go to the fun houses.
I mean, they're kind
of a stick in the mud.
I, but that being said, that being said,
I think I, as a, as a player, like Ember.
Uh, I think Shu is kind
of mixed right now.
Jake/Bilge: It's good mechanics
for somebody who's a little on
the squeamish side of murder.
Avoiding killing blows, but like, not
letting a monster kill your friends or
the people that you're with, you know.
So there's a lot of maneuvers
involved in the fighting style.
It's a pretty good blend.
Chris/GM: Her build is most interesting,
uh, just from a, like, I, I am a
support fighter, I like playing that
kind of role, I'm not really big on the
barbarian, you know, 40 damage a round
type, I like seeing things that trip
people and do, like, cool things to set
other people up, so, that's interesting
that, that she has the power to trip
pretty consistently as well as, Being
able to catch people flatfooted, she
can manage to do her finisher correctly.
So it's pretty cool.
What about you, Brad?
Brad/Yasper: Uh, we don't get to see
shackles a lot, but that's probably
Brad's favorite just as a concept.
Don't know.
I don't think that would
be Jasper's favorite.
Again, we don't have a scene with
Jasper and Peachy, but I still
like the headcanon that they get
together and play music, which is the
least stressful thing Jasper does.
Chris/GM: Wait, so the party just
likes all the, uh, light hearted
characters, not the moody NPCs.
I like that
Shou/Hayden: Brad chose two
characters that we haven't even,
like, gave much screen time to.
Brad's like, I like the
characters we told you.
I like
Chris/GM: my head canon better
than your storytelling, Chris.
Well, the character we
met are all assholes, so.
Brad/Yasper: No, Ember's cool.
I like, I, I, there's a, there's a
thing with Ember where it's like.
A, a gnoll took me under his wing
who was like grizzled and like found
someone who was lost in the world.
And then I think Jasper is seeing
this person and there's a, there's a,
Oh, I owe this debt to the universe.
And I see, here's my chance
maybe to pay that off.
But also is like, I should probably
convince this person to open
a restaurant and run far away.
Jake/Bilge: Yeah,
Brad/Yasper: like they they
have a chance to go back to
normal that Jasper didn't have.
Chris/GM: She doesn't know what she wants.
She's very idealistic at this point.
But we'll see what happens and
we'll see what happens right now.
Cyan is running through the streets.
It is now dusk.
We're beginning to see the purplish sky.
Businesses begin to close and the
day is starting as they head to
the bathhouse, the restaurants,
and other sorts of entertainment.
Cyan quickly escapes his pursuers
and finds himself in an alleyway.
And he sits there and he's shaking
and he's frustrated and he's drunk.
And he tries to catch his breath
and tears are rolling down his
eyes as he looks up to the sky.
Why is it like this?
He goes to his belt and
pulls out a small knife.
He sits there holding it, thinking as
more people are walking down the street
next to this alleyway, paying him no heed.
And he takes that blade and
puts it right to his belt.
I just, I want, I want, I want to die.
Just let me die.
And takes that dagger and
pushes it in, but something
is physically holding it back.
As this ghost begins to
manifest outside of Cyan's body.
And this ghost physically
holds the dagger at bay.
After a bit of struggle, Cyan
drops the dagger to the floor
and starts hitting the ground.
Until his knuckles are bloodied.
Shou/Hayden: Hi, my name's Hayden, and I'm
playing the clockwork kitsune magus, Shu.
Jake/Bilge: Hello there, my name
is Jay, and I play Bilge, your
favorite third level yosoki ranger.
Brad/Yasper: Hi there, I'm Brad, and
I play Yaspkleek, a level straddles
the line between gunslinger and medic.
Shou/Hayden: While the others in my group
were out fighting in the streets and
running into some type of monstrosity.
I got to enjoy the city itself.
Went to a few parks, roamed the streets,
and even went to this nice dive bar.
Someplace called the Fish King.
Bartender there told me about a temple.
It's a place where they practice
martial arts, magic, meditation.
I wanted to check it out instantly.
Ran there, and of course, Cyan is
harassing the poor receptionist.
He gets himself kicked out, the guards
are called, and we had to split.
There goes my day of fun.
Chris/GM: Shoot.
It is dusk now.
You have run for a couple minutes.
You are invisible.
With the Longstrider, you were
able to escape and something
kind of strikes your mind.
Why did Cyan choose to
cast the spell on you?
Shou/Hayden: Yeah, looking, looking
around, now way far outside the grasp
of these guards and any authorities,
uh, they'll, they'll look around
and they didn't go Cyan's direction.
They chose to just keep running
the direction they pointed.
And they're going to kind
of sit there, thinking for a
second, and go to themselves.
Oh no, I need to either go find
Cyan Can they run fast enough?
This, I need Jasper and Bilge for this.
I need to go find them first.
Shu will run in the direction where
Chris/GM: Jasper said he would be.
You vaguely remember hearing Jasper
talking a couple days ago on the ship that
he planned to go to the marketplace pretty
quickly, just to kind of do some shopping.
You left more or less before you were able
to confirm that is where Jasper was going.
But it's not a bad place to start.
Go ahead and roll me a Perception check.
Or Survival if it happens to be higher.
Shou/Hayden: That's only a 10.
Chris/GM: You get stopped because
there is a set of guards on a
perimeter around a few houses.
And you see a small crowd gathering,
but I don't think you want to
be near a crowd at all, so.
Or especially a crowd
of, with guards involved.
So you try to pick up some trail
and just unable to find anything.
Shou/Hayden: We're going to schmooze
into the crowd and try to like, walk
up to one of the, the citizens and Shu
will try to catch one of the people
that's kind of like leaving this area,
like as people kind of walk by and, and
kind of point towards the disturbance
and go, uh, what, what happened here?
There's a lot of people just
standing around and it looks
like Something violent happened.
Did anyone get hurt?
Chris/GM: So, earlier today, a couple
hours ago, there was this large creature.
They have it under a blanket right now,
so I don't really know what it was.
But, uh, a large creature just
rampaged through this neighborhood.
Supposedly a, uh, two people
came and was able to stop it
with the help of some guards.
I'm not really sure the finer details,
but they, they ran off pretty quick.
Uh, there's a poor, poor kid.
I don't know if you, uh, if you heard
of the pianist that lives on the street.
He is a, he's a young old boy.
He, he goes by, like, Ray
or something like that.
Uh, something about his playing
represents rays of light.
I don't know if there's any relation,
but he's a virtuosic pianist.
He travels all the time.
So, I think a lot of the crowd
is here concerned about the
boy more than anything else.
Shou/Hayden: Thank you.
Good to know.
I'm really sorry to hear about all that.
Shu will kind of, kind of look
around and say, well, be, be
safe out there and start moving.
Can Shu try to figure out where
these two people might have run to?
I'll give you a second chance.
You can take a note of the second check.
Let's see if we roll above a five.
Hey, that is above a 5.
It's 5 above a 5.
It's 10 plus 5, 15.
Chris/GM: Jasper, where did you
take Umber after this encounter?
Brad/Yasper: I think we ran
off just enough to kind of
like, find a place to hide.
Because Jasper would like to
do like a 10 minute medicine
check on each of, each of us.
But he wanted to get out of
sight of the guards first.
Chris/GM: So, more time
has passed since then.
What did you do after this, Medicine Jerk?
Brad/Yasper: If I get us patched
up a little bit, does she still
want to go back to the ship?
Chris/GM: She is happy to Take it
easy for the rest of the night.
She wants to go to the bathhouse, and then
maybe return to the ship, or she's willing
to get a meal and return to the ship.
Brad/Yasper: Yeah.
Chris/GM: smokes a lot, you noticed?
She's very subordinate
to you at the moment.
She, she doesn't want to call the shots.
So she's like, yeah, I'm, I'm
willing to get something to eat.
Uh, I like to get cleaned up.
Maybe, uh, get a new pair of shoes.
Brad/Yasper: That is an excellent idea.
Why don't we acquire some, uh, garb and
then, uh, a meal will suit me just fine.
I believe there's a nice fish
place somewhere not too far away
that can do a salad correctly.
Chris/GM: So you are able to go
quickly into the marketplace.
You're able to purchase nonchalant
clothing, you know, knock off like
the silver piece or something and
head to a restaurant near the dock.
Probably a little, uh, upper scale
than what the the fish king was serving
more like grilled food and all sorts
of different pastries and and like a
cucumber seaweed salad type thing you
sit down and you're able to get some
rest and shoo finds ember and yasper
in new clothing and eating fish tacos
Shou/Hayden: finally i found you is
there like a receptionist is this like
a wait till you're seated kind of thing
or is it like you can just walk in
Chris/GM: There is a waitress, but
there's an empty seat next to the
Esper and Ember so you can interject.
Shu will jump
Shou/Hayden: on over to them and say,
I was looking for the both of you.
I got turned around and, uh, found
Cyan, had to break away from some
guards, but how have you two been?
Brad/Yasper: Well, while this, uh,
contraption here with the, the fish and
these little flatbreads are excellent,
uh, it's been quite an afternoon.
We were attacked by a monstrosity.
Shou/Hayden: knew it was you
two when I went by that rubble.
Brad/Yasper: It's always us two.
Shou/Hayden: So you're going
Chris/GM: to give me another 40 to save?
Heh heh heh heh heh.
Ugh, 12.
You are now on stage two of this alcohol.
You are slowed one for a little bit.
Amber's like, are you, have
you, have you been drinking?
Are you
Shou/Hayden: drunk?
Just, just a little bit, but, uh,
I, uh, could, could drink more.
Um, is there anything here to drink?
Uh, have some water and here's some
Brad/Yasper: bread.
Miss miss, I believe my friend
here would appreciate an order of.
They were fish tacos
now, I believe you said?
Shou/Hayden: Uh, just some,
uh, the rice with, uh, some
coconut milk would be great.
Uh, s sweet rice.
Do you have any?
Chris/GM: Bilge, where did you
go after your investigation?
Bilge is
Jake/Bilge: not looking to take a day off.
He would have got his lead, a little bit
of confirmation, and then returned back
to the ship to talk to Rowan about it.
Chris/GM: So, you're
transversing the town right now.
Go ahead and roll me a perception check.
Jake/Bilge: Ten.
Chris/GM: You find Cyan wandering
about, and he looks like he's
been in a bit of a scuffle.
His hands are bloodied, he has
dirt all over his clothes, and
he's kinda, not really limping, but
definitely a little off balance.
Jake/Bilge: Hello there, Cyan.
What's the other guy look like?
Chris/GM: Uh, m much worse than, than me.
Hey, I got a, I got a question.
Uh, I got a bouncy, have
you heard about this?
Jake/Bilge: Oh, I've seen the paper, yeah.
Chris/GM: Eh, how, how much?
Jake/Bilge: Not more than me.
Chris/GM: Uh, I don't, I don't feel good.
I think, I think I need to go.
I wonder if that brothel's open yet.
See, see ya, Bilge.
Jake/Bilge: Don't make too much trouble.
Chris/GM: Oh, me never.
He lifts off back towards the, we'll call
it the entertainment section of the city.
Jake/Bilge: I was just gonna table him
a little bit and make sure that he's
not about to do something dumb that
shines a light on the entire crew.
Chris/GM: Shoot, Jasper.
You mean to finish up your meal.
You get your, your sweet rice
with like some mangoes and,
and like condensed milk on it.
Shou/Hayden: Yeah, that's
what I was looking for.
Chris/GM: You can get alcohol,
but Ember pushes like tea on you.
You know,
Shou/Hayden: uh, yeah, she
will, she will take that.
Shu just says, it's been so
long since I've been able to
sit down and have some fun.
Ah, yes, I'll take some tea instead.
I, you do you.
I don't, I don't want to stop your fun,
but there are monsters in this city.
Well, I knew that when I started drinking.
Well, is that what you've
been doing all day?
Chris/GM: have you been up to?
Shou/Hayden: Oh, well, uh, I went to this
place, uh, kind of like this place, uh,
but, uh, told me about this temple, uh,
Temple of the Earthly Delights, Temple of
the Heaven Delights, something like that.
And, uh, that's when I ran into Cyan.
Apparently he was trying
to bust his way in there.
Chris/GM: Oh, Cyan, he, uh, he
strikes me as a little weird.
What do you think about Cyan?
Well, he was trying to
Shou/Hayden: force his
way into the Ugh, sorry.
He was trying to force
his way into this temple.
Said he had been there before.
Harassed the poor woman at the front.
Seems very rude to me, but
he was obviously drunk.
See, you should be glad.
I'm not one of those types.
And Shu kind of wags their
finger in front of Ember's face.
Chris/GM: Ember's confused
by, by this like, almost feels
like a lecture, almost doesn't.
Not quite, not quite Shu.
Brad/Yasper: Daydreakin
has a time and place.
Uh, almost.
Well, what's the plan next, Jasper?
Well, unfortunately, my mission to the
market was, uh, ill formed, I guess?
In truth, I was looking for weapons,
and that was more household goods.
It's been some time since I've been here.
Um, the evening is upon us, though.
We have some coin.
Perhaps, uh, we could
retire to a bathhouse.
Shou/Hayden: She opens her coin
purse and says, Well, I spent
half of my money on a drink.
The bathhouse can't be too bad.
Brad/Yasper: You know, Jasper is
feeling a little bit happy after a
nice meal and not getting murdered.
So, you know, maybe, uh, You
know, walnuts in a salad?
If it's not too prohibitively
expensive, he, he can cover his shoe.
Maybe a couple silver pieces.
Oh, yeah, yeah, absolutely.
Let's get this bottle episode on the way.
Shou/Hayden: I think the bathhouses
themselves are free, but You know,
I don't have any soap and they like
to pay for the incense and all that.
Uh, whatever you can cover, Jasper.
Brad/Yasper: lead the way
and uh, we'll consider
Shou/Hayden: that service surrendered.
When I went to Serenity, there was
this bathhouse just off the docks.
Let me Let me find it again.
And she will start wandering
towards any bathhouse
Chris/GM: that they know
of that might be, uh
You three head over to an onsen.
It is called the Oasis.
Jasper pays for a private onsen,
throws in five silver pieces.
There is a bottle of wine and some
fruit within this little staging area.
And Ember feels very uncomfortable.
but will quickly change from her armor
and take off those blood stained bandages
that Jasper can probably see at this
point, but quickly puts on a bathrobe.
But it looks like these wounds are pretty
fresh and she got hurt pretty bad and
she's moving and taking it like a champ.
All right, I'm, I'm going to go.
As that happens, she looks
towards the bathroom.
Jasper, and she looks towards Shu, and
this is like the first time she really had
a conversation with Shu, I would imagine.
Shou/Hayden: Yeah, past me finding her
in the engine bay, like, that's, that's I
think the only time we would have talked.
Chris/GM: Tell me what Shu
Shou/Hayden: does in this
Chris/GM: moment.
Shou/Hayden: Shu just is standing there
noticing that this is the first time
they've been to a public bathhouse with
other people since they lost their arms.
And they're just now realizing
that, you know, they can take
off the cloak, they can take off
their pants, and get undressed.
But they haven't really taken off the
bandages that wrap around their chest.
And they don't really take off the
bandages that wrap around their arm.
They're just kind of sitting
there looking at the bandages.
A little bit frozen at this point.
Shu, are you, are you coming?
Yeah, yeah.
Uh, I'll, I'll meet you there.
She kind of waits for everyone to leave.
Brad/Yasper: He asks for
changes into the robe.
He, he knows that, you know, he's not
an attractive guy and he's not built
like the common adventurer, but he
has accepted that a long time ago.
We can see that he's got scars, just
probably like every other crew member has.
The biggest one being like.
a wound around the stomach area.
Looks like he got gutted
with a sword pretty good.
And he just kind of leans into the
water like, Oh, this, I missed this.
Shou/Hayden: After everyone's gone
from the, the changing room, Shu will
slowly start to unwrap, slowly moving
the hands and, and looking at the
arms and they look down to see the
mechanical components that make up their
chest, they grab one of the robes and.
Put it around themselves and slowly kind
of walk out to the, uh, bathhouse area.
Chris/GM: Are you trying to keep
your arms hidden at all from Ember?
Shou/Hayden: At this point, their hands
would very obviously be mechanical,
but they're kind of just like holding,
holding them where, like where the robe
would be kind of closed as they walk out.
And I kind of look at Ember, look at
Jasper and slowly take off the robe and
Set it on the table as they slowly step
into the water and the heart itself,
there's like a, a metal plate that goes
down around the left part of their arm.
Kind of like a heart plate when
you're thinking of armor, but instead
it's embedded into their skin.
Um, and it's where their heart sits.
Uh, it's an artificial heart
that, uh, their father gave them.
They definitely submerge themselves,
like, right as deep as possible
up to the neck if they can.
Brad/Yasper: Jasper remembers that,
and then he's like, the eyes back and
forth, and like, Oh shit, I forgot.
Because it's not a big deal to him
that Shu is like, half mechanical.
But he forgets that he
doesn't advertise that.
And so Jasper just brought them
to be naked in a bathhouse.
It feels kind of like a
big asshole right now.
Do I ask?
Chris/GM: Ask what?
Never, never mind.
Uh, this is nice.
I'm gonna get that, uh, here's that wine
Shou/Hayden: bottle.
You will just sigh.
It happened a long time ago, Ember.
It's I My heart was failing me,
and my father was a wonderful
inventor from Talisman.
Gave me an artificial heart.
Problem is, the other half of my
family, the fox half, control lightning.
Let's just say the lightning that I
could control and the whole metallic
heart thing didn't go very well together.
Chris/GM: Artificial?
What does that mean?
Do you not have a heart?
Shou/Hayden: I have a heart.
It's just a different one.
Similar to the machines
that run talisman mechanics.
Chris/GM: I mean, I've only heard
of Those machines, those, uh,
those vehicles, but I never seen a
Shou/Hayden: person.
When your father's a genius
inventor from one of the most
technologically advanced places on
this planet, you get a few things.
Brad/Yasper: And, but we
ride around in a flying ship.
I would think this would
not be that big of a stretch
Chris/GM: to imagine.
I feel like that's a huge stretch to,
to imagine, but I, I, I accept it.
Uh, thanks.
Thanks for.
Shou/Hayden: just thought
I'd clear the air.
I don't like this feeling
of things being so tense.
It is hard to, to go to a bathhouse.
It's, it's, it's been a while.
Chris/GM: Well, here's
some, here's some wine.
So, uh, Jasper, tell me about
Where you got that going?
As Ember tries to be courteous but
probably does a very poor job at it.
Builds, you're trailing Cyan.
Can you go ahead and
give me a stealth check?
Jake/Bilge: That'll be a 26.
Chris/GM: You are able to blend into
the crowds as Cyan heads past this inner
district, to head to the entertainment
district and approaches a But, as you
look out, there are two gnolls with ornate
red clothing seem to be looking around,
and they're holding a piece of paper.
And you recognize the word Bounty
on top of it, but you can't
necessarily see what the picture is.
And they're holding this bounty,
and they're asking Raz, like,
Have you seen this person?
Have you seen this person?
They look like twins.
One of them is holding a pretty
large looking single finged greataxe,
wearing heavy plate armor underneath
a, like, red cloak of some sort.
The other one has a orb in their
hand, looking at it as they
are looking around this town.
Both of them seem to have noticed
Cyan walking, and they start
whispering under their their breath.
Jake/Bilge: Bilge is
going to intercept Cyan.
Almost combatively to shake them
up a little bit, cuts them off and
they kind of bump into each other
as if they were strangers, Bill
just hoping to grab his attention.
Excuse me.
And as they lock eyes, Bilge
leans in a little closer.
Bounty Hunter Cyan, you can go in
Chris/GM: there.
Cyan looks at you.
Just, just let them take me.
I just want this night to be normal.
Jake/Bilge: Not in the gods.
Chris/GM: And Bilge looks over and
sees these two gnolls approaching.
Go ahead and roll me a
perception check again.
Jake/Bilge: It'll be a 23.
Chris/GM: Something about
them seems different.
Something about how their
fur stands on their body.
It's something about how
clean their teeth is.
There's the shape of their
ears, a lot of their body seems
to be elongated a little bit.
Pretty sure these two are
past their first ascension.
Jake/Bilge: Cyan, I do believe
it's time to invoke the oldest
and most noblest of traditions.
We'd be punching well
above our weight class.
We should run.
Last warning.
And Bilge sidesteps him and
makes his way into the crowd.
Chris/GM: Cyan.
Looks towards Bilge, looks towards the
two people approaching, and there's
eye contact now, right, there's no
doubt in these bounty hunters minds.
And he thinks about it, and then
the ghost appears from his back and
grows larger and larger in size.
A woman screams.
Both Bilge and our friends in
the onsen can hear it as panic
begins to hit the streets.
This large ghost comes out of Cyan's
back, about six feet above Cyan.
We don't see its feet, but we see its
large hands, and it looks like a human,
but it's heavily armored, and it's
wearing a almost demonic looking facemask.
Jake/Bilge: In all my years,
even this boy's got secrets.
Bilge reaches down, hands on his weapons.
Cause it doesn't look like
cyan's gonna go quiet.
Shou/Hayden: Hearing the sounds
of screaming from the bathhouse,
kicks out of the water, goes,
I think I heard something, we
should check it out, and runs back
Chris/GM: to get their stuff.
Are you dressing or are you
just going out in a bathrobe?
Shou/Hayden: Uh, oh,
that's a good question.
Dressing, I wear.
Chris/GM: Because you wear medium
armor, that takes a minute.
Shou/Hayden: that takes a minute.
Uh, we're going out in pants.
Chris/GM: about Jasper?
What's Jasper up to?
Brad/Yasper: Uh, it might take a sec.
We see Jasper running out with a bathrobe,
and it's held together by his gun belt.
So, I guess I'm gonna skip the leather.
I'm gonna skip the leather armor.
Shou/Hayden: This is gonna be
Jake/Bilge: a picture.
That's awesome.
I wanna see that fan art.
Shou/Hayden: Yeah, I wanna
see the fan art of this.
Chris/GM: I guess Ember
does the, does the same.
Puts it on the bathrobe, grabs the spear,
grabs the spear and the shortbow, runs
out the door, realizes that she forgot
her arrows, but goes out with it anyway.
You guys run out, and Bilge has
his hands on his weapons, sees Shu,
Jasper, and Ember run out in bathrobes.
Shoe managed to put on pants.
Everyone else went for weapons.
Shou/Hayden: Well, Shoe
doesn't need the weapons.
Chris/GM: Shoe is a weapon.
Shoe is wearing
Shou/Hayden: the weapons all the time.
Chris/GM: This ghost gets larger and
larger, saying, I am sick of running.
I am sick of you people threatening me.
The armored man with a large single
fanged axe grabs a bystander.
And puts the axe to their throat.
Listen, what's your name?
Cyan, you're a good person.
We've been told you are a good person.
Just power down, whatever
you want to do it.
And just come with us.
And nobody has to get hurt.
Cyan is conflicted.
Brad/Yasper: handle your business.
I'll save him.
Chris/GM: With that, we see this, um, this
gnoll here raise off that axe and seems to
be about to slit this civilian's throat.
Let's roll for initiative.
Uh, absolutely, so you, you can roll
stealth, uh, everyone can roll whatever.
We're not going to roll initiative right
now, uh, we are going to fade to black
and this will be a shorter episode,
but I don't, we don't, we don't, we
don't have time for, uh, uh, Oh, it's
Shou/Hayden: already 8.
Chris/GM: Yeah.
We don't, I mean, we're an hour
into this recording, I know we
shot this shit for like 10 minutes.
Can I keep the nat 17?
That's fine, I don't care.
Jake/Bilge: Yes.
Can I keep my nat 17?
Chris/GM: Sure, I don't care.
You're probably also rolling stealth,
but fine, we'll fucking take initiative.
You guys can take initiative.
Just to have it ready.
Brad/Yasper: Just to have it ready!
Shou/Hayden: Yeah, yeah,
it's for next time.
I'll make it faster next time, yeah.
Chris/GM: Brad, perception check for you.
Jake/Bilge: Can I use either?
Chris/GM: Sure.
Jake/Bilge: Uh, 27 stealth.
Chris/GM: 2.
Shou/Hayden: 25
Chris/GM: stealth.
Now, now I want to know who goes first.
Okay, uh, you guys can choose who
goes first based on the scenario.
We'll, we'll use rules accordingly.
Jake, you can go.
All bad guys go before, before the party,
but the party can choose who goes first.
Jake/Bilge: It's
Chris/GM: the rules, it's not my fault.
Ember's gonna roll stealth.
Ember rolls a 19 on the die for a 27.
No, she rolled a 28.
Brad/Yasper: I can smell it when
a DM lies, cause I've done it.
Chris/GM: It's, it's true!
Axe guy rolled a 13 on
the die, plus 10, 23.
Okay, I'll take that.
Other guy rolled a nat
20, plus 11 for a 31.
But it's not the guy with the prisoner.
Brad/Yasper: Now you
told us they're stats.
Too easy.
You know their stats anyway.
I tell you their stats.
It's not Got him.
Got him.
That's not a secret.
Jake/Bilge: We need small victories too.
Brad/Yasper: Rookie
Chris/GM: ass DM.
This guy in the plate armor has a 25 AC.
I don't
Shou/Hayden: Or a 15 to hit him.
Chris/GM: I don't know if,
uh, this is fight a beatable.
I think, uh, one of the questions you're
going to ask yourself next week is, Do
we actually want to fight these guys?
Shou/Hayden: How much do we want
to protect Cyan is the question.
Jake/Bilge: I've known him for like a day.
Brad/Yasper: You said we
couldn't do every quest.
Shou/Hayden: no!
We chose the fetch quest instead of
the protecting our team members quest.
Jake/Bilge: Hear me out.
Shou/Hayden: There's consequences.
They turn
Jake/Bilge: them in, they get the gold.
We steal the gold, break them out, maybe.
But definitely steal the gold.
Chris/GM: Cyan rolled an 18 on the die.
That's pretty good.
Brad/Yasper: Amber, generally I
tell people to follow their heart.
Unless it's Bilge.
I never tell him that.
That is a terrible idea.
Jake/Bilge: should write that down.
Shou/Hayden: That
Chris/GM: should be in the commercial.
Shou/Hayden: Glad we're still recording.
No, but Chris has got to go to the last
minute of this recording to grab that one.
Chris/GM: Uh, well, we're going to end
recording here and, uh, call it a sesh.
I believe I double checked your thing
a while ago, and this should be okay.
But there is a, uh, self
harm theme in this episode.
Any concerns or comments?
Jake/Bilge: Are you asking
Bilge to hang himself?
Is that what this is?
Chris/GM: I am not.
Jake/Bilge: Alright.
Shou/Hayden: The citizens and and
go Cuz wait, am I still invisible?
Probably not, not if you Okay, good.
I was gonna say, this is
gonna be really awkward.
I was gonna say I was gonna walk up
and ask one of them what happened here.
But, uh, if a disembodied voice came up
and asked me, Hey, what happened here?
I'd be a little bit concerned.
Chris/GM: She smokes a lot, you
Brad/Yasper: noticed?
Bath house, bath house.
It is a terrible habit.
As your doctor, I recommend
you stop immediately.
Give me one.
believe there's a nice fish
place somewhere not too far away
that can do a salad correctly.
Chris/GM: Yeah, out of your two meals
today, you're eating two salads.
I don't think Jasper eats like a
Brad/Yasper: normal orc.
Shou/Hayden: Rice with, uh, some coconut
milk would be great, uh, sweet rice.
Do you have any?
Chris/GM: but Why, why, why did I
make a restaurant that had tacos?
Why was that my first instinct
in my, you know, retro You has
Shou/Hayden: probably not Be in tacos.
I'm gonna be honest with you.
I don't think that's a food.
I don't
Chris/GM: think this should
be a food in this world.
Believe us now.
Shou/Hayden: Yeah, I was gonna say,
like, she was looking for, like, Some
rice and vegetables kind of thing here,
like, fish taco was not on their list.
I mean,
Chris/GM: like, Lakotia is
about as western as this, this
world gets, but I don't know.
When in Shadow
Brad/Yasper: Bay.
Jake/Bilge: When in Shadow Bay.
Shou/Hayden: Well, I spent
half of my money on a drink.
Brad/Yasper: the bathhouse
can't pay too much.
Let me check my coin purse, a.
Path Builder.
This segment's sponsored
Shou/Hayden: by Whatever,
whatever we're Path Builder
Chris/GM: doesn't need me to sponsor them.
And she will start
Shou/Hayden: wandering
towards any bathhouse that
they know of that might be, uh,
Brad/Yasper: bathhouse in the dock ward.
Let's go.
Caters mostly to semen.
That's why she liked it.
Chris/GM: Are you gonna get a private
onsen for the three of you, or?
What, how much is it?
Brad/Yasper: Like, I got 22 gold,
so I'm not too worried about it.
But if it's like 20 gold to get a
private onsen, nah, we're gonna Nah, like
Chris/GM: It's like five
silver pieces for that.
Oh yeah, absolutely.
Brad/Yasper: Or for the,
for like, a couple hours.
She could pay for that.
Nah, I don't wanna see
wrinkled old men and stuff.
You know, you're not supposed to look.
Yeah, what the hell, man?
You're not supposed to, but come on.
Come on.
Chris/GM: Can anyone have an onsen
scene or can I pay to Play the
black on this particular thing.
Brad/Yasper: So
Chris/GM: he gets prepared for the
For For He'll just like, work in
and like, keeping Cyan safe and
everyone's like, Ah, bath scene.
Jake/Bilge: forgotten
Shou/Hayden: about Cyan already.
Brad/Yasper: Oh, poor Cyan.
Fuck that dude.
Chris/GM: But it looks like
these wounds are pretty fresh
and she got hurt pretty bad.
And she's moving and
taking it like a champ.
Brad/Yasper: Now that we're a little
more private, I will Let me look
at those wounds a little more.
Shou/Hayden: So is Ember just completely
butt ass naked and Jasper's just like,
Let me look at these wounds real quick.
I'm a doctor!
Yeah, and shoo Doctor, patient,
confidentiality, and she's just
sittin there like, oh shit.
Chris/GM: She was changing, put on
a bathrobe, and you're like, Can't
you have done that before I change?
Brad/Yasper: Oh yes.
Well, I, I had de I had described
a scene where I'd given you more
medicine and then the DM described
you having a big wound and,
Chris/GM: well,
Brad/Yasper: there's a disconnect there.
Jake/Bilge: So,
Chris/GM: okay.
Brad/Yasper: so I'm saying, I'm saying
Chris/GM: that she is bandaged and
the wound's been taken care of.
Oh, alright.
I do not, I'm, I'm describing this
for shoe, not for, not for yesper.
Jump it.
Yes, but you didn't do a good enough job.
Fuck you.
Almost assuredly.
However, we probably should have
ruled for, uh, that medicine check.
Brad/Yasper: Such things as being
embarrassed about your body are beneath
him and an enlightened vigilant.
Jake/Bilge: it.
Brad/Yasper: Cyan,
Jake/Bilge: I do believe it's
time to invoke the oldest and
most noblest of traditions.
It's a
Shou/Hayden: French tradition.
Jake/Bilge: So I'm seeing a ghost
Emerging from Cyan, is that correct?
Chris/GM: correct.
No, no, I guess it's not like a ghost.
It's a large projection coming out
of his back that stands It would
be considered a large creature.
So a Jojo stand?
Yeah, pretty much.
Shou/Hayden: Ew!
I love it.
I may have confused Jake even
more by saying it's a JoJo stand.
Damn kids.
Yeah, I don't get it.
Jake/Bilge: I don't get it.
Chris/GM: Is Jasper's
healing kit on his gun belt?
Brad/Yasper: Uh, rules as written, no.
Chris/GM: I don't, I
don't care about that.
If it's cinematic that that
is your like bandolier.
Brad/Yasper: I mean I can,
yeah, maybe I like his backpack.
Shou/Hayden: You like Batman's bandolier?
Brad/Yasper: You're gonna have to
help me build that in character
over the course of the story.
Chris/GM: Batman utility belt?
Brad/Yasper: Yeah.