Caught in a Towel - Skyfire S2E04
Chris/GM: This is your
first combat at level three.
Are you excited to use any
of your new, new tricks?
Jake/Bilge: Yes.
Got some new tricks.
Got some old tricks.
I'm hoping to roll some crit tricks.
Hayden/Shou: I used my one level
three spell to escape with Cheyenne
before, or Cyan, before they did this.
So you're, you're capped.
You just, you
Chris/GM: just have
your first level spells.
Hayden/Shou: And now Cyan's back here.
Chris/GM: Poor Cyan.
I'm, I'm empathetic.
I wrote the character though.
Alright, Brad, do you
have your cheat sheet too?
I do.
Alright, then let's get started.
We are at a face off.
There are two gnolls in front of you.
One of them holding this large, single
feigned axe to a commoner's throat.
He is a gnoll, he stands pretty tall,
towering over most of the people
within this crowd, wearing this
plate armor that seems to be accented
with cloth that is black and red.
20 feet away from him, another gnoll
stands there with this round orb and
we can sense this arcane and divine
magic beginning to emanate through it.
The one with the hostage.
Cyan, surrender now.
We know who you are.
No one has to get hurt,
especially this person here.
The other one with the orb
takes a tentative step forward.
Listen, Dax and I, we're good people.
We're just here to collect a bounty.
In fact, we're better people than you.
We are not criminals.
You're the criminal.
So just turn yourself in and be at peace.
Diane standing there, this large,
ghostly figure coming out of
his back, seems paralyzed by
indecision within this moment.
Hayden/Shou: Hi, my name's Hayden, and I'm
playing the Clockwork Kitsune Magus Shun.
Jake/Bilge: Hello there, my name is Jay.
And I play Bilge, your favorite
3rd level Yusoki Ranger.
Brad/Yasper: Hi there, I'm Brad, and
I play Yasp Kleeg, a level straddles
the line between Gunslinger and Medic.
Jake/Bilge: With a lead on the Midnight
Mirage in my pocket, I traversed the
back alleys towards Shadow's Chimera.
Ran into Cyan, of all people,
on a mission to Funtown, till I
made the gnoll Bounty Hunters.
Seems our bounties are worth
the attention of the Ascended.
I made my case.
Run, boy.
Live to avenge another day.
But he stayed, or it made him.
A spirit, a ghost.
Something erupted from him.
And then my faithful companions surprised
me further with robes and weapons.
A bathhouse.
Chris/GM: What would you like to do?
Are you going to start anything?
She would like to start something.
Then with that being said,
we are in initiative.
Ember goes first.
She is unsure what to do, so she
is actually going to delay her turn
until after the first attack is
met, which will take us to Jasper.
Brad/Yasper: He's going to try
to shoot the closest one, the one
who looks more heavily armored.
All right.
You know what?
I'm going to spend a hero point.
That's probably a good choice.
That is a 26 for
five damage.
I will shoot the other one
barring cover of any kind.
I will hit the other one for six damage.
Striding boldly in his bathrobe from
the bathhouse out into the cool night
air, Jasper ponders how a person can
declare themselves righteous, being
flawed as they are, and decides that the
matter should be decided by the gods.
So pulling out his gun heroically, he
shoots the one in heavy armor in the
back, reloads like a real, like a real
champion, an educator of righteousness,
and then shoots the other one in the back.
Chris/GM: As Jasper pulls out this
gun to fire Bilge, you are next.
Jake/Bilge: Alright, let's see,
Bilge with weapons at hand.
He, uh, takes one of his blades and
taps some bracelets on his wrist.
Bracelets of dashing.
It's gonna give him a plus one
item bonus to acrobatic checks.
And as part of the activate, once per
day, he's going to gain a 10 foot, uh,
movement speed bonus for one minute.
Chris/GM: Nice.
Jake/Bilge: Which he is going to use
to slowly creep through the crowd.
As he begins to hunt, Bilge begins
to navigate through the crowd,
not yet giving away his position.
As he gets sight of the magic
caster and begins to hunt his prey.
Chris/GM: Shu.
Hayden/Shou: Stride up and then disarm,
roll to 30, that should be a crit.
Shu seeing that Dax has a hostage
is going to run right up to
Dax using one action to stride.
And then kick the weapon in
their hands, out of their hands.
As they say, funny, you claim
to be righteous, but hold a
blade to a citizen's throat.
And then they're going to attempt
to kick the weapon away from Dax.
Chris/GM: The kick is gonna provoke.
Uh, I rolled a 19 on the die.
Hayden/Shou: Oh, that's just, it's a crit.
Don't even tell me it's a crit.
Chris/GM: It is almost certainly a crit.
So we are actually going to
interrupt the kicking action.
He punches you, he punches
you straight, straight in.
You're probably like,
you're kicking it, right?
He punches you right in the kneecap.
We can hear the crunch sound of
it as he does 14 points of damage.
Hayden/Shou: She will Getting hit in the
knee, realizing that their knees are not
also made of metal, uh, is going to kick
back away from the axe and sneer at Dax.
Chris/GM: Ember is going to pop herself
back into initiative, is going to run
up to the edge of this porch, roughly
ten feet away from Dax, and will attempt
a trip attack from this position.
Which she succeeds at, knocking Dax
to the ground, she gains panache, and
she will take a third action to jump
over this railing and grab the hostage,
which takes us to the person she has
attacked, and with one action, we will
pick up the axe, which is at his feet,
and the second action, He looks at you.
He sneers as he casts a spell.
Give me a fortitude space.
Hayden/Shou: God.
All right.
Jake/Bilge: You got this
Hayden/Shou: here.
This isn't, this isn't shoes great.
Ah, it's a 24.
That's actually not that bad.
Chris/GM: That is a success.
Hayden/Shou: Nice.
Oh, that's good.
Chris/GM: good.
So you are going to
take five unholy damage.
Hayden/Shou: Righteous, they said.
Chris/GM: But they will not get the
penalty to AC as we attempt to bring
this weapon down on your throat.
26 to hit, 14 points of damage.
Hayden/Shou: Shuu's not feeling so hot.
Chris/GM: This gnoll moves
forward to try to emanate this
magical divine energy onto Shuu.
Fur begins to change to this red, his
eyes grow a little darker, as he expresses
a touch of corruption towards Shu.
Shu resists the effects, taking a little
bit of unholy damage, that doesn't stop
from jumping up with the Singled Faint Axe
and bringing it right down on Shu's arm.
Unfortunately for him, he wasn't
anticipating the arm to not be, you know,
This will end his turn as he turns to Vax
and is like, Vax, there's more of them!
Vax takes an action and
gives off a whistle.
And anyone with any sort of military
background, which is primarily
Bilge, this is a signifier that
people need to mobilize of some sort.
For his second action, he takes this
orb up and begins to put his hand over
it as we begin to see fire appear.
And this fire grows larger and
larger and larger until he throws
it, creating a flaming sphere.
And this sphere is goes
directly towards Cyan.
Cyan is able to make the save,
some fire damage as a result.
Cyan goes with this large ghostly
figure emanating from his back.
He's going to take one action and
go into a martial arts stance.
A mountain stance, if you will.
And will take a second action
and will move the character To
Shu, and go, What are you doing?
While also Giving them some healing.
Please and
Hayden/Shou: thank you.
I like not being dead.
Chris/GM: So he gets to use
d10s because of his feat choice.
So it's four and eight.
Brad/Yasper: Dang.
Chris/GM: As this happens, this
ghostly figure reaches over to
Shu and And envelopes into Shu's
body and we can feel some of the
pain begin to dissipate from him.
At initiative zero, Dax will
go, Who the hell are you?
As, uh, he reached over to
pick up his axe and swing.
The crowd also begins to maneuver a little
bit, causing chaos, particularly with the
sight of magic and the sound of gunshots.
In the distance, maybe about 30, 40 feet
from this encounter, there is a cart being
pulled by two horses and with a failed
will save, they will begin to panic.
Not quite rushing forward yet,
but on the verge of doing so.
He asks for Europe.
Brad/Yasper: He's not going to take a move
action to get closer to shoe just in case
shoe needs a little more juice shortly.
And with his last action, he's going to.
As a bad man, shoot
someone holding an orb.
Jake/Bilge: Uhhhhhhhhhh
Brad/Yasper: Is there any
cover between Jasper and Vax?
I will say no.
Uh, then the bullet hits Vax for 6 damage.
Stepping down from the bar as he moves
closer to Shu, Jasper answers the
question hanging heavily in the air as
citizens are running hither and tither.
Who are we?
We are decidedly bad folk.
Reloads his gun and
shoots Vax for six damage.
Chris/GM: Bilge.
Jake/Bilge: I'm gonna take a
drive, do a twin takedown, and
then a third attack for shits and giggles.
Bilge sees an opening.
The last pedestrian between
him and his hunted prey.
He sprints for it.
Past the pedestrian.
Pass the fire to his right, straight
into the vision of his hunted prey.
And that's when he's close enough to see
the horse drawn carriage coming their way.
But he's already got the momentum,
so he lashes out with an attack.
Twin blade take down, and
sinks his sword into the leg
of the caster for five damage.
Chris/GM: Alright.
Shoo, the sky is prone in
front of you, technically.
Hayden/Shou: We are going
to step, stride, and strike.
Shoo, answering Cyan, says,
We're saving your ass.
Now get in here and help Jasper and Ember.
And steps out of Dax's range
and dashes through the crowd.
They run to cut off the caster's
escape route, knowing that Bill
just started to attack them.
They want to make sure that
the caster can't get away.
Shoo, They run into a flanking position
and strike the caster, hitting them with a
glancing blow for five bludgeoning damage.
Chris/GM: Ember looks towards Shu,
passing by, like, what do I do now?
And will strike at Dax on the floor,
will miss with her multiple attack
penalty, she'll miss with her second
attack, and miss with the third attack.
Ember is not trained very well.
She takes her spear and begins
to try to poke and prod at Dax,
but Dax is wearing plate armor.
The normal places where she
should be able to get a killing
blow are very well defended.
She begins to freak out a little bit as
Dax turns around to look right at her.
and will prepare an intimidating strike.
With a critical hit, this attack goes
right through her bathrobe, slicing
her right down the center, bringing
her down outright for 38 points of
Vax looks to find himself surrounded
and will spend one sustained action
to run this fire right into Bilge.
Bilge can go ahead and give
me a reflex saving throw.
Jake/Bilge: 28.
Chris/GM: You will not take any damage
from this flaming sphere, but they cast
a different spell which envelops this
gnoll in a black and reddish aura as
they have cast sanctuary on themselves.
Cyan will do a two action.
heal onto Ember as this ghost jettisons
out of his back and will attempt to
bring Ember back up, healing her for 26
and will cast the shield spell as this
uh, ghost out of his back begins to
give a protective hug over Cyan's body.
These horses will attempt a will
save, this time they will resist the
temptation to freak out and bulldoze her.
over the fight, but people are
beginning to move out of the way,
largely clearing the streets.
Luckily, it will reduce the amount of
casualties to any sort of big outburst.
Dax looks towards Cyan after
swinging this intimidating strike.
Just come with us, we'll
let everyone else live.
This is not a fight you win.
And Cyan grits his teeth,
unsure of what to do.
Jasper you're up.
Brad/Yasper: All right.
Jasper is going to reload.
He's going to shoot Vax.
Chris/GM: Oh god.
Give me a wisdom save please.
The creature can attempt this
attack and any other attacks
against the target this turn.
You're able to pierce through
Vax's protective shield.
Brad/Yasper: All right.
Take a shot.
Is there cover because of bilge?
We'll get plus two AC.
Uh, that will God, I want to spend
a year at another Hero Point.
You get one every episode.
Yeah, he's born all over Alright.
Stay in the skull.
God fucking dammit.
Alright, well, uh, turn an eight to a one.
Alright, third action's
gonna be to reload.
Jasper, staring into the melee, looks
at Dax as he's standing over Ember
and is like, Why don't you pick on
someone your own size, you big bully?
Tilt my head towards Cyan, and
then aim, like, as he reloads
his pistol, he aims through the
scrum that is Bilge, Vax, and Shu.
He's like, no, okay, hold still now, hold
still, and like, shoots, and the bullet
like, ricochets between Bilge's leg and
tail and almost clips him in the ankle.
Jake/Bilge: Hey!
Brad/Yasper: Uh, uh, um, uh,
uh, uh, uh, you've got this!
Jake/Bilge: I'm workin here.
Brad/Yasper: Bilge
Jake/Bilge: do I attempt
the will save first.
If I want to attack the castor,
Chris/GM: you have to
commit at least one action.
Jake/Bilge: I will
commit a uh, twin attack.
That'll be a 22.
Chris/GM: You meet it.
The creature can attempt to attack in
any other attack against the target.
This turn,
Jake/Bilge: I will lead
with the twin attack.
Un hit on this.
I guess since I have the
allowance, I'll just do.
All three attack actions.
That does not help me.
Okay, so the very first thing
and the very last thing hits.
Bilge, with bullets flying in between
his legs and a fire on his ass
decides he needs to take more attacks.
Despite whatever magical effect
is going on before his eyes.
Let me get ya!
He lashes out with a twin attack,
and only manages to get one of
his blades to pierce the mage.
In frustration, he just keeps swinging!
Gotta get ya!
And out of four attacks total, he manages
to land the first one, and the last one.
Slicing at the legs, with
this bounty hunter scumbag.
Chris/GM: Okay pirate.
Jake/Bilge: For a total, total.
of eight slashing damage.
Chris/GM: Europe.
Hayden/Shou: I think this is
actually, this is good for Shu.
I think this gives Shu a
little, little room to flex.
So I'm going to cast Electric
Arc and then do Arcane Cascade.
But, uh, so it's all three actions.
Shu looks at Vax, knowing exactly what
spell this is, and thinks for a moment.
They try to think of a way to get
around what might trigger this spell.
They snap their fingers and then You
see their tail come out from behind
their bathrobe as a little bit of
electricity is flung between Vax and Dax.
I need you to make me a reflex save.
Chris/GM: 28 and a 19.
Hayden/Shou: Woo!
The 28 critically succeeds,
the 19 normally succeeds.
Chris/GM: This figure is in front of
you, is able to duck out of the electric
attack, also aware of what this is.
However, the armored individual,
the electricity conducts to the
armor and will take half damage.
Hayden/Shou: They take
three damage total then.
Shu will then enter a guarded
stance as they put their legs
wide and their fists forward.
They enter arcane cascade as lightning
starts, uh, swirling around them.
Chris/GM: makes the reluctant decision to
stand up, unaware of the consequences of
that, uh, being a little ignorant of the
possibility of an attack of opportunity.
You fool, you thought you could stand up?
Which Dax turns around
and goes, stay down.
Hitting with a 23 on the AC for 13 damage.
Ember is up, is going to take a step
back, and will attempt to trip Dax.
And just cannot, cannot get a footing.
She is bleeding, she's at wounded
two, she's not, not having it.
In this case, Dax is going to move on.
Towards Jasper and Cyan.
Someone my own size?
I'll take both of you.
And he is going to sweep.
I'm going to make a single
attack against both of your ACs.
Brad/Yasper: Your DM ship, I'm going
to request that because I'm behind a
railing, that I get a slight bit of cover.
Sure, I'll give you plus
Chris/GM: two AC.
Fifteen on the die for a thirty to hit.
It crits Cyan.
Brad/Yasper: Yeah, yeah, that's,
that's, that's two crits in fact.
Chris/GM: take thirty two.
He moves forward, uh, and just
takes the single feint axe and
slashes through Cyan and Jasper.
Cyan is going to react to break
his shield, reducing that damage
a little bit, but will not help
Jasper in this particular case.
Vax looks towards Shu and builds,
realizing Sanctuary isn't working,
is going to instead use his axe.
bigger spell.
It's only a 23.
This dark energy sprouts out
from this arm and envelops Shu.
Shu feels blood begin to boil, body
begin to age, unnaturally cold.
You are going to take 5d6 cold damage.
For 19 cold damage, plus 1 fire as,
uh, something emanates from his side,
dealing 20 total, and with his last
action, we are going to attempt to
light Bilge on fire and Bilge can
give me another reflex saving throw.
Jake/Bilge: Oh yeah, that is gonna be 29.
Chris/GM: That's a success!
And as I've learned, successes
means no damage on Flaming Sphere.
Cyan will reaching out this ghost shrinks
a little bit as another ghost appears
outta that ghost's back, but disengages
from the body as cyan will cast spiritual
weapon to action, spiritual weapon, and
will bring this one right onto Dax as an
attack and we'll roll in 19 on the die.
So as this ghost leaves Cyan's
back, it will do 10 damage to Dak.
He's still looking pretty healthy.
Cyan, as a third action, we will
attempt a one action heal on Jasper.
Heal 15, Jasper.
These horses do not save.
I need everyone to give
me a basic reflex save.
Jasper, you can have a plus five
to this because you have not Even
though his railing is destroyed,
you are not in immediate harm's way.
Jake/Bilge: I would like
to declare a hero point.
Brad/Yasper: Okay.
I add a 16 to this.
Okay, this was plus 16.
Total's an 18.
That is
Chris/GM: a success.
Hayden/Shou: Oh, thank god.
I had a plus 5 to this.
I got an 18 as well.
Chris/GM: Okay, that is success.
Jake/Bilge: Bilge has a 15.
Chris/GM: That is not a success.
Jake/Bilge: All right.
Chris/GM: All right.
Everyone begins to jump out of
the way as these horses begin
to trample through the crowd.
Only Bilge is caught with the
worst of it, but still making
it into a narrow alleyway.
Bilge will take eight points of
bludgeoning damage as this cart goes wild.
Within the back of the
cart were unsecured goods.
All sorts of different fruits
and vegetables, as well
as a couple wine bottles.
This ground here Now within this
road is considered difficult terrain.
You can ignore the difficult terrain by
taking 1d4 damage per 5 feet of movement.
Cyan was looking about what to
do, still unsure what decision
to make, but that decision has
to be waylaid by this obstacle.
Jasper, you are up.
Brad/Yasper: Alright, so I'm going
to attempt to battle the Metal Sin
Cyan myself and then shoot Dax.
Okay, let's do it.
So let's start with Cyan,
that's going to be a DC 20.
Okay, that will hit.
He will get 32 HP back.
Remind me it's risky surgery.
I will attempt to do the same to myself.
And I will get 25 back, which
will be enough to get me to full.
We will then attempt to shoot Dax.
And then we'll miss.
As the horses plow through the streets,
knocking everyone around, Yasper
backs up against the railing and
seeing that Dax has jumped onto the
porch and is 10 feet away, but is not
within melee, makes a judgment call.
He slaps a healing patch on Cyan for 32,
whips off the robe's belt and like ties
it around his own wound and heals that up.
And unfortunately, um, that
was the robe belt, so needless
to say, the wind is breezy.
Uh, and then proceeds to bounce
a bullet off Dax's chestplate,
looking a little sheepish.
Chris/GM: Builds, you are up.
Jake/Bilge: Okay.
Is Sanctuary still in effect?
Chris/GM: It is not.
He took a hostile action.
Jake/Bilge: Okay.
Then I am going full offense
with a twin takedown attack
and two attacks after that.
Chris/GM: We are no longer
flat footed, by the way.
Jake/Bilge: I understand.
One of the two.
Man, I gotta start rolling better.
Chris/GM: You really do.
Jake/Bilge: I really do.
Don't we
Chris/GM: all?
These are not easy, guys.
Jake/Bilge: Bilge notices
the footwork of the caster.
They're making a run for it, and as
soon as they do, he tries to keep
up with his relentless stalker feet.
And out of the corner of his
eye, he sees the carriage and
the horses coming for him.
He dives forward.
A twin takedown attack.
But something happens.
Why is it always the tail?
Why is it always the tail?
Heh heh heh heh.
Bilge misses his twin takedown attack.
Furious, he lurches forward for more.
Nothing but air.
Even more outrageous.
He tries one last time and gets
him right in the foot for a
total of four piercing damage.
Chris/GM: We're whittling him down, guys.
Hayden/Shou: Oh wait,
this would be hilarious.
Can I like get around
this person like this?
Bilge, I am, I'm apologizing
in advance for this.
Jake/Bilge: Just do it.
It'll be cool.
Hayden/Shou: Seeing the street as
torn up as it is, Shoo gets an idea.
They run behind Vax.
They crouch down And then push
both hands up as they drive.
Hydraulic push into the back of backs.
Crit with a 19 on the dye.
They're going to send
them flying 10 feet back.
Chris/GM: Okay.
Hayden/Shou: Dealing 18
bludgeoning damage from the spell,
and 11 damage from the punch.
As they yell,
Jake/Bilge: Bilge!
Come to papa.
Chris/GM: Yeah, I guess he
technically bounces into Bilge.
So technically not moving back,
but also, if Bilge wants to duck,
I'll allow him to fly over Bilge.
Jake/Bilge: Mmm, if I duck down,
maybe a little trip action.
He's already knocked
down anyway by Rulerat.
Chris/GM: If you duck your,
Jake/Bilge: yeah.
So it's like, it's like
a teamwork trip now.
I feel better about my play style.
Hayden/Shou: It was, it was Bill
just planned the whole time.
Jake/Bilge: Yeah.
Chris/GM: Go ahead and roll a trip.
Athletics check please.
Jake/Bilge: Solid and stout.
Chris/GM: You catch him?
Jake/Bilge: Mm, yeah, A
Chris/GM: little bit, but he's able
to land on his feet as he spits
out a couple of teeth and grits.
He is very hurt.
Ember jumps over the railing to where
Dax is and looks towards everyone,
it's like, I see people coming!
I think we need to move!
Jumping over here will
attempt to trip Dax.
Rolling a 19 on the die, that
has to, that has to be it, right?
Hayden/Shou: One could hope.
Chris/GM: Dax falls down to the
ground, taking a little bit of
fall damage for a critical success.
For one point of bludgeoning damage,
and looks to take off, realizing
the mistake of not provoking an
attack of opportunity will choose to
run the other way with her panache
speed, limping as she is wounded too.
Dax looks on the ground right now,
will stand up and walk over to
Cyan, will attempt to strike, just
get down and we'll let everyone go.
Rolling a, enough to hit.
Dealing 18 damage to Cyan.
He grits his teeth, he's not very
injured, but he's very annoyed.
sees that his brother in arms and
nearly in name get hurt pretty badly.
Vax takes a different approach.
We'll spend one action
to cast the jump spell.
Landing on his feet, take one
action, catch the jump spell, and is
instead going to attempt to take a
running jump up across to this roof
here and to safety and will succeed
on his athletics check to do so.
Cyan looks towards Jasper.
He is going to attempt a three
action heal, and this for him
is actually a 60 foot cone.
So now that everyone is kind of not as
bunched up as before, he's able to get
himself, Jasper, Bilge, and Shu ghostly
energy envelopes into Jasper's shoes
and Bilge's body, healing 12 points
of healing, and that will be his turn.
And on that initiative zero, Bill,
Jasper, Shu, and Cyan looks up and sees
what looks to be these people in the
same blackish cloth with red ornaments
on the sleeves appear on the roof.
Diane looks towards Dax and says, Fine.
I surrender.
And the ghost begins to
envelop back into his body.
Jasper, what would you like to do?
Brad/Yasper: Jasper thinks this is
a bad scenario, but since Cyan has
said, all right, I surrender, well,
I guess that settles the matter
and Jasper will walk right past the
guy, will walk right past Vax into
the bath house and grab everybody's
gear that's still left in there.
As he's like going in to get
the stuff, he's like, gentlemen,
discretion is the better part of valor.
We should continue this
matter another day.
And Jasper will duck into the
bathhouse and grab everybody's gear.
Chris/GM: This bathhouse is pretty large.
You're probably getting to the
room and picking everything up
within your six second turn.
That's fine.
Jake/Bilge: Bilge is gonna look to Shu.
I told Sayen not to do this.
We're in over our head.
Let's run.
And Bilge is going to spend all three
of his actions to stride after Ember.
Hayden/Shou: So I'm going to run up,
I'm going to dimensional assault Cyan
and headbutt him, similarly how I did
earlier, and then tell him to run, and
then I'm going to run after Jasper.
Chris/GM: don't, I don't
even know what, what.
Hayden/Shou: I can roll to hit.
Chris/GM: Be sure to roll to hit.
He's at 20 AC right now.
Hayden/Shou: 24, let's go.
That'll deal one, one damage.
Your headbutts?
Yeah, because it doesn't have any of
my Oh, it'll deal five damage because
I have a plus four to strength.
Right, okay.
Shu, watching Bilge run away,
looks over to Cyan, surrendering.
Shu dashes to the street, jumps into the
street, and then blinks and appears on
the porch next to Cyan and with the same
momentum headbutts Cyan as hard as they
can and says run you idiot like last time
and pushes them and runs after Jasper.
Chris/GM: With that,
we will fade to black.
Next leak we start a chase scene.
Brad/Yasper: The one who
looks more heavily armored.
All right.
The one holding the
hostage, so if you miss.
Hostage you say?
I might have forgot about that Might
have might have might have forgot just
gave that descriptor I was I was thinking
about being a breeze breezy rope without
my undies on Okay, that is a 26 26
will hit does a hostage provide cover?
Chris/GM: No All right 26 will hit
From a map perspective, Jasper is on a
porch right in front of the bathhouse.
You are technically shooting
this gnoll in the back.
The hostage is giving cover
in the other direction.
Brad/Yasper: Well, in the most
heroic of fashions, I'll shoot
them in the back for five damage.
Jake/Bilge: Yeah, hero stuff.
Brad/Yasper: And then heroically, justly,
I reload and continue with this theme of,
of being a righteous man in a bathrobe.
I will shoot the other one
who has a less, lesser AC.
Reloads like a real, a real champion,
an educator of righteousness, and
then shoots the other one in the back.
How righteous.
Chris/GM: He does 14 points of damage.
Jake/Bilge: Alright.
Think of how much more that would've
hurt if it hit me with an axe, yeah.
Hayden/Shou: Yeah.
Chris/GM: And we'll attempt a
trip attack from this position.
Hayden/Shou: I see this is her like
taking the staff and just like bashing
him in the back of the head with it.
Yeah, pretty much.
Chris/GM: just full force, like right,
like, Right under the neck to just try
to get him to fall forward, uh, which
like a hero at which Like a hero, dude!
Unfortunately for him, he
wasn't anticipating the arm to
not be, you know, fleshy arm.
I see.
You're telling me that he didn't
Hayden/Shou: anticipate the metallic arms?
Chris/GM: No.
No, he did not.
Diane is able to make the save
some fire damage as a result.
Oh, creatures that succeed
on the save take no damage.
Why would they say it's a basic
research reflex save if they're
just going to change it later?
If they fail, they take double, right?
I guess, but normally they would
just write out the chart for me
instead of saying basic reflex.
Whatever, he took fire damage.
In the narrative.
We won't actually count it towards
his HP pool, but So there's no penalty
for standing on the flaming sphere.
In second edition.
Brad/Yasper: Cue Garth Brooks
standing outside the fire.
Jake/Bilge: It's kinda weird.
Brad/Yasper: Get the hell out
of the street, all of you!
Hayden/Shou: You already have a plan
to knock down Dax in the middle of the
street so they can get run over, so.
Chris/GM: don't think Amber
was thinking that far.
Brad/Yasper: I'll give a silver to
every citizen who stomps this dude.
Jake/Bilge: Yes!
Brad/Yasper: I
Hayden/Shou: like that a lot better.
I don't know how
Brad/Yasper: everyone else's.
Do you want me to just redo it
all or are you gonna splice?
No, I can, I can splice it.
Well, you can splice it.
Chris/GM: Oh, we can splice it?
Brad/Yasper: Oh,
Chris/GM: he volunteered.
You fool!
You fool!
Send it
Jake/Bilge: over to me, let's go.
Chris/GM: Right through her bathrobe.
Splicing her right down the center.
Hayden/Shou: telling me the
bathrobe is not a good defense.
Got it.
Chris/GM: Understood.
Bring her down outright.
For 38 points of damage.
Hayden/Shou: All right, we got a, we
gotta maybe use, uh, VAX as a hostage.
I think that's the next step.
Reverse the hostage situation
Chris/GM: as they have cast
sanctuary on themselves.
Brad/Yasper: you, you,
a real piece of shit.
Chris/GM: 15 on the die for a 30 to hit.
Hayden/Shou: Yeah.
That, that, uh, I hope that plus two help.
Brad/Yasper: Yeah, absolutely.
That's going to nail Cyan.
It crits Cyan.
It's one roll for both?
It's one roll for both.
You fucker.
That's, that's, that's two crits.
In fact.
Hayden/Shou: Not the railing.
Brad/Yasper: Well, like in fairness, my
AC is down one cause I'm wearing a robe
and not leather armor, but with those
numbers, what does it fucking matter?
How much HP do you have?
I got 40.
Alright, take 32.
You can't immediately die.
You say that like, You say
that like you can make it true.
Takes 32.
Chris/GM: That's exciting.
Who is pissing me off more though?
The Land of a Thousand Cuts?
Or the, the uh, Electric Arc Man?
Um, uh, let's beat up Build.
No, she talked more.
To be fair, she talked
Jake/Bilge: more.
That's right.
Hayden/Shou: How'd you were
Brad/Yasper: talking
Hayden/Shou: that shit, boy?
He was talking mad crap earlier.
Chris/GM: That's a success.
And as I've learned, successes
means no damage on Flaming Sphere.
Cyan Will Cyan
Hayden/Shou: will retroactively
heal their burned ass.
Chris/GM: I feel like you
need Cyan to do damage.
Like, you need him to
cast an offensive spell.
But you also need him
to not kill the party.
Uh, to make sure the
party isn't Just three
Hayden/Shou: action harm.
What's the Come on, coward.
Kill everyone in a 30 foot radius.
Chris/GM: Uh, so shield is down.
I can cast No, that's an AoE.
I'm gonna kill somebody.
That's not the bad guy.
Brad/Yasper: As he's going to the
bathhouse, it's like, something
the better part of Valor, like,
running away is What's that phrase?
Like, running away is the better
part of Valor, or something?
Jake/Bilge: I've heard discretion
is the better part of Valor.
Yeah, discretion is the better
Brad/Yasper: part of Valor.
Like, and as he's, as he's like, going in
to get the stuff, he's like, Gentlemen,
discretion is the better part of Valor.
Hayden/Shou: Shoe.
Shoe's out of spells.
Jake/Bilge: That's the deciding
factor, not like the other ten
bodies that is about to show
Hayden/Shou: up.
Shoe's out of spells.
Yeah, you know, I guess, It's nice
knowing you, Cyan, but we're out.
I guess
Chris/GM: the choice could
be is to tell Cyan to run.
Like, Yeah.
It's either fights, flights,
without Cyan, or flights with Cyan.