A New Adventure - Skyfire S2E1
You just didn't wanna be done up by Build. Alright? Can't have Build upstaging me. Can't have Build upstaging you?
Chris/ GM:Well, new day, new chapter. How are you guys feeling? Fresh.
Brad/Yasper:Slightly unsettled.
Chris/ GM:Shu, what are you looking forward to?
Speaker 4:Right now, I'm trying to find out what this stowaway is doing on our ship.
Chris/ GM:Oh, Oh, yeah. I should probably do something about that. What about you, Bilge?
Jake/BIlge:Revenge, of course. I prefer it with a fine red wine and blood on my dagger.
Chris/ GM:Also also creepy.
Jake/BIlge:I'm looking to solve that mystery of commander Mutant. Is he who I think he is? And if so, how do I get to him?
Chris/ GM:We get to start with a little bit of exploration, I guess. How about you, Jasper?
Brad/Yasper:Jasper is just in his little cabin timing himself on how fast he can reload a gun meticulously, to levels of OCD, just going through the motions over and over and over.
Chris/ GM:Let me guess. It's one action. It it is.
Brad/Yasper:Which if you think about it, 2 2 seconds to load a flintlock pistol. That's damn fast.
Chris/ GM:That's pretty good when you put it from that perspective. Right? Yeah. That's really good. Because, like, technically, in 6 seconds, you can shoot, reload, shoot.
Brad/Yasper:Yeah. So in 6 seconds and and, yeah, this is what you asked for his timing. He reloads a gun, dry fires it, and then stitches a wound on an orange.
Chris/ GM:Just k. You're you're you're doing your battle medicine as stitching. You just pull out some needle and thread. 2 seconds.
Brad/Yasper:The action economy speed of a gunslinger is stupid. He's just relentlessly doing the same thing over and over and over and over.
Chris/ GM:We have Shu caring about the crewmates, Bilge caring about revenge, and Jasper just practicing how to sew people up while shooting a gun.
Hayden/Shou:Yeah. Yeah. What a trio.
Jake/BIlge:Yeah. What could go wrong?
Speaker 4:Hey. You killed my brat again.
Chris/ GM:Not again.
Brad/Yasper:You didn't die, just mostly.
Chris/ GM:It is a clear day near Shadow Bay, And the crew of the Shadows Chimera are hiding within the tree line nearby. They prepare to take in their stock to sell within the city. It's a constant tradition right before the summer solstice festival. They land here to sell what they have managed to gather and to take a little break, a week of r and r. Many of the crew have been here.
Chris/ GM:Some of the newer members may be a little unfamiliar with the town, but you guys sort of have a routine. When we look over the side of the shadows chimera, where we can see the purple and orange light of the dawn, There is a bird like man on the road leading a carriage. This raven like figure, the tips of his feathers glow this bright red long gun sword slinging around his back. Captain Serenity turns around to the crew. Rowan's here.
Chris/ GM:Let's load up the carriage. Let's get this going so we can take a break.
Speaker 4:Hi. My name is Hayden, and I'm playing the Clockwork Kitsune magus shoe.
Jake/BIlge:Hello there. My name is Jay, and I play Bilge, your favorite third level, Yosoki Ranger.
Brad/Yasper:Hi there. I'm Brad, and I play Yas Baclig, a level 3 orc that straddles the line between gunslinger and medic.
Chris/ GM:The crew has been traveling for a few months, and this is really your first time you managed to get back onto the surface beyond a couple of quick restocking trips. Shu, you are gathering these large canisters. They're about the size of your chest, and they're pretty heavy. Generally, you can carry 1. Anyone can carry 1, but when we get to 2 or 3, it becomes a little too bulky.
Chris/ GM:And these things are holding pure electricity, And it's your job, with the rest of the crew, to load up about 50 of them for market sale. So captain Serenity comes to you. It's like, Shoo, make sure our contacts get the best price, but we need we need at least 20 gold per thing. Can you make sure that happens?
Speaker 4:Well, I don't see why not. We should be able to get at least 20 gold per.
Chris/ GM:Why don't I get a description of Shu?
Speaker 4:While she's working on the shadows chimera they tend to wear coveralls that have earthy tones, your browns, your greens, and such. In addition to the coveralls that they wear to protect themselves from the lubricants and oils of the Shadow's Chimera, they also wear a head wrap to protect their ears and their fur from any types of things that could drip onto them while they're working. This head wrap tends to be where they stylize it a little bit, wearing a floral one or one with colors that kind of pops and makes the rest of the outfit look nicer. This is one of the few times you'll actually see Shue wearing color. When they travel, they tend to wear very muted tones.
Chris/ GM:Captain Serenity looks at you, your captain stands about 6 foot 6 with this golden dragon king creature with this large single fanged ax on her back. She looks towards you and you're reminded of something you and perhaps the entire crew has realized over the last few months 3 months ago, you saved a small village from a few marauders. And Captain Serenity hasn't really been the same since. She has been unnerved. She's been a little more relentless, sometimes accidentally breaking things unintentionally, just being unknown of her own strength.
Chris/ GM:She can go ahead and give me an arcana check. I think I'm gonna make this a secret check so why don't you tell me your bonus? Plus 7. Perhaps at this moment you notice that one of her scales around her shoulder blade seems to be in pristine condition. This strikes you as odd because the captain is known as being scar riddled.
Chris/ GM:A lot of her scales are chipped and destroyed, and she expresses a lot of strain on her own body that becomes visible as she moves around. You think she may be approaching her next ascension. She may be going to a turning point where she is getting more powerful and her body is physically changing This would be her 3rd ascension.
Speaker 4:It's pretty powerful then.
Chris/ GM:For reference, most people in their lives will maybe get to one ascension. The people who train specifically to reach ascension, who spend their entire lives focusing on it, may hit 2 ascensions. Some of the strongest people will hit 3. Even fewer, less than a dozen people in the world who have reached the 4th ascension. So she's reaching this point, and there might be a little bit of trepidation because power brings attention.
Chris/ GM:And you guys are bringing attention to yourselves without that. Captain Sarandi actually approaches Bilge next. He was probably on deck being ready to take care of his duties that he may have within this first couple days. Once she approaches, she gives a little bit of a whistle and catches the attention of Bilge as well as anyone else on deck. I have a unique task for you if you're up for it.
Jake/BIlge:Very much so. Do tell.
Chris/ GM:I know you're itching to explore the city a bit to talk and ask around, but I want you to bring Amber with you. Go ahead and give me a description of Bilge.
Jake/BIlge:Well, we'll start with the look on his face as he loses a little bit of enthusiasm with the babysitting task. That's how he seems to find it. Bilch is middle aged. He's got some grays showing. And not just in his whiskers.
Jake/BIlge:He's also, almost at all times, physically carrying 2 blades in a manner that suggests there's probably more you can't see. On the account of his old trusty miskept leather jacket. He practically drags the end of it around through the mud, through the puddles. He does not take care of this thing, But it's his most prized article of clothing. He doesn't go anywhere without it.
Chris/ GM:Ember approaches. She is young within her adolescence teenage years. She stands there currently wearing bits and pieces of leather and hide armor. And of note, there is this long spear on her back. Throughout the last couple months you've seen her train with Rowan and probably Bilge too since Bilge kind of fits into that MO a little bit.
Chris/ GM:She is talented but she is fresh. She is very green. She's also a bit naive but she seems to have a dancer killer instinct or that intent within her eyes. There's potential there. Yeah.
Chris/ GM:I would like to see the city, try to get an idea of what you guys do on your down downtime, if that if that's if that's okay.
Jake/BIlge:I guess. But don't slow me down and do what I say.
Chris/ GM:I'll I'll I'll I'll try. Excellent. Oh, exciting. Okay.
Jake/BIlge:Yes. Exciting. Yeah. Here we go.
Chris/ GM:I'm, I'm gonna help chew with the battery pocket things. Okay. And she runs off a little intimidated. Roman jumps up to the side, climbing the ladder, prepares the lift that you guys use to carry storage from the ground to the airship itself. Alright.
Chris/ GM:I'm ready. Shoo. You're with me. Let's get this thing loaded up. Let's get this thing sold, and let's then go get a drink or something.
Chris/ GM:I'm itching for a comfortable bed.
Speaker 4:I don't think we'll find a place to drink together. I might head to another spot in
Chris/ GM:the city, but we'll see. EDU. Let's go.
Speaker 4:Shu will start loading stuff up and pop in.
Chris/ GM:Ember is helping as well. Jesper, you are unnerved about Shadow Bay. This is the area around Lakota where you're from, where you worked before. When you were here in the last summer solstice event, you noticed that a handful of the guards were carrying these long rifles. Why don't you give me a descriptor of Jasper and what Jasper is doing right now?
Brad/Yasper:Jasper checks one of the straps on the carts to make sure things were gonna sell at market are staying in place. As he turns and wipes off his hand, you can almost be forgiven for thinking he's a school teacher. Even though he is an orc, he's rather thin and gaunt and just has these spectacles he has to put back in place. With his plain home spun clothes, yeah, just a normal guy. But as he straps on a elegant, well crafted belt with 2 holsters and 2 fine crafted pistols and a leather duster that's far too large for him with a rather gaudy interior.
Brad/Yasper:He looks out of place, both in stature and dress. Looking a bit more concerned than he should be for what is a simple job, Yasspor is like, we should be cautious today, gentlemen. This is not a place for the unwary.
Speaker 4:Why is that? It's just a large city. We're going in, selling our goods, getting out. Seems tame.
Brad/Yasper:Shadow Bay is well, tame is not a word I would use to describe it, but just keep your head on a swivel. We should be fine. His hand is clenching a little nervously.
Chris/ GM:You stack these batteries into crates on the carriage. These crates carry 6 of them, so you have 8 boxes that are about £300 each. It's a pretty heavy load. You know that these horses that are pulling this carriage are not gonna be able to gallop or run away, so it's a bit of a slow trip. It may even be beneficial for most of you to be walking alongside the carriage just to expedite and relieve some of the pressure on the two bounds.
Chris/ GM:At the moment, Rowan is driving, and Amber kinda looks around trying to take in all these sites as you see the first house on the outskirts of the town. So Shadow Bay has some interesting stories. Do you know anything about these creatures they keep here?
Brad/Yasper:Amber Shadow Bay is known for a few things. In my mind the alchemical experimentation that goes on here has led to a lot of wayward things coming into reality. This is a a black market for a city would not be a correct way to say it, but it's pretty close.
Chris/ GM:What kind of creatures are here?
Brad/Yasper:Some things you can't imagine and a lot of things you can. It's been some time since I've been this way though. Just keep your eyes open. You'll see some things today.
Chris/ GM:Roland pipes up. Hey. We're almost there. Who's actually coming to make the deal? Is it just Shu, or are all of you coming or I really only need Shu.
Brad/Yasper:No. No. It's quite fun. I imagine we can just hang together and then go to our, different proclivities after that.
Jake/BIlge:Never know when you might need me around.
Chris/ GM:Shu and I have done this for a couple years. It shouldn't be much more than to meet with oh, is his name? Casper of the Thieves Guild? And then we have a seller for the Lord of the Winds or whatever he calls himself these days. I I mean, those are 2 places we're stopping by if you wanna, you know, grab a drink or something.
Jake/BIlge:Sure. No problem at all.
Speaker 4:Alright.
Jake/BIlge:We'll make quick work of it.
Chris/ GM:Are you guys not sick of each other?
Brad/Yasper:Alright. I mean, I'd spend most of my free time in my room.
Speaker 4:I spent most of my free time in the engineering bay, but I don't mind Bill. She's a kind guy.
Chris/ GM:You guys get free time?
Jake/BIlge:Not really.
Brad/Yasper:No. It's called being efficient.
Speaker 4:For the doctor, there's only so many people that they can put together.
Jake/BIlge:Rowan, I I said yes. I'm sick of all of you.
Brad/Yasper:Listen. Listen. I just don't want to be by myself at this particular moment. Alright? There.
Brad/Yasper:I I said it. It's alright.
Chris/ GM:As you guys are having this conversation, this back and forth, Amber probably asking about how you guys manage to get free time be so efficient when she has been scrubbing the deck nonstop since she stowed away. You are coming in from the east, the southeast road. As you finally get on to the main road, you're seeing loads of buildings to your left and to your right filled with taverns, restaurants, some merchants that are there. We are seeing stalls selling street food, the smell of grease and bread, a very different change of pace from the rations like the rice and the beans. The infrastructure here seems to be pretty well kept.
Chris/ GM:The road doesn't have any sort of ditches. The buildings, at least in this area, seem to be well kept. Most of the roofs are still intact. And a lot of these buildings look like pagodas. Some of them are a couple stories, maybe some in the distance or even taller.
Chris/ GM:And all of them are painted or have fabric of bright colors particularly ones of red or orange. Sometimes it's like peach or pink coloring. These bright colors hide some of the not as well kept buildings that are maybe 50 or 60 feet away from this main road. Hidden amongst the trees, you see shacks and simple wood cabins that don't seem to be as well kept as these buildings on the street. Amber looks by, kind of looks towards the crew, looks towards a stall, runs forward, and purchases a pastry.
Chris/ GM:It's this circular bread pastry with meat in it. Comes back with half a dozen and starts passing it around. I don't know what else to spend my money on, but, here here's a here, here. Try this.
Brad/Yasper:Well, thank you. Thank you, Amber.
Chris/ GM:As you guys continue, we finally reach the gate. The gate is open, but there are these large towers surrounding this 20, 25 foot gate. And all throughout this wall, we see archers at the ready. At the main gate, we see 2 guards at the tallest towers, 2 of them holding these long barreled rifles on their back.
Brad/Yasper:Mister Bilge, it has been some time since you've been to Shadow Bay. Yes? Yes.
Speaker 4:Do you
Brad/Yasper:recall the gods here being so armored? Yes. Alright. Then just just me. Just me.
Brad/Yasper:And and Jasper looks unsettled.
Jake/BIlge:Easy, Jasper. You'll know when it's time to draw. You always do.
Speaker 4:It doesn't look all that different from over its serenity. I mean, they didn't have as many guards there, but still quite well armed and armored.
Brad/Yasper:Guns just make me nervous.
Speaker 4:Looks at you, looks down at your hip, looks at you, looks down at your hip, and looks at you again.
Jake/BIlge:That's why I love you. Yes.
Brad/Yasper:Yes. I kill people with guns. Yes. I love guns. Yes.
Brad/Yasper:I'm nervous about guns. We exist.
Jake/BIlge:This meat doughnut is delicious.
Brad/Yasper:What what animal did they say this was?
Speaker 4:Knowing this place, it's probably a hybrid.
Brad/Yasper:As long
Speaker 4:as it
Brad/Yasper:didn't top.
Chris/ GM:Shu and Rowan make a quick left into the gate. They sell to the quartermaster, Lord of the Winds, quickly making a sell at 25 per battery. Twenty batteries of stock. They head past that to the other side, to the farm areas where they meet Casper, a less than savory fellow who buys 25 of them also at 25 per battery, leaving only 5 batteries left to sell. Rowan seems pretty satisfied with this particular purchase.
Chris/ GM:You only have one crate left. As you guys are traveling, please go ahead and give me a perception check.
Hayden/Shou:Oh, it's not great.
Speaker 4:There are 2 types
Hayden/Shou:of people in this one.
Speaker 4:You roll, and I just hear, and then I roll, and it's just like, ah, shit. 16.
Brad/Yasper:I have a, 27. Jasper just cannot relax. He's just head on a swivel constantly constantly constantly.
Jake/BIlge:He also has a 26.
Chris/ GM:As you guys are traveling, Roland enters back into the West Gate at this point. Well, that's it. I'll make sure the rest of these batteries get back to the ship for now. You guys are free to do whatever you like, and we have a few days off till the festival. We'll meet before the festival and celebrate and get on to our next thing.
Chris/ GM:I don't know. You know, summers are a little hot. There's not very much rain and storms, so the captain's gonna keep her head down and look for other work until the stormy season starts again. So if you hear anything, just keep aware.
Jake/BIlge:Sure. Sure. How about those drinks, Rowan? Amber, come on. Yes, but welcome to join us.
Brad/Yasper:How could I refuse such a kind invitation?
Chris/ GM:And and, Shu, you can come as well unless you have other plans.
Speaker 4:I feel like Shu and Rowan haven't after that fight on the ship. Other than work, they just completely separate.
Chris/ GM:I don't think Rowan has given much thought about the argument. I don't know how Shu feels about that.
Speaker 4:Shu's upset that Rowan chose to yell at them in the middle of everyone. Shu's more of like a pull me to the side and be like, hey. Let's talk. But the, like, the blowing up in the middle of the ship, I think they didn't like that. They've been avoiding rowing a little bit.
Speaker 4:Just a little bit. Yeah. So Shu will come along, mostly staying towards, like, Bilgin and Jasper and Ember.
Chris/ GM:You go to a higher end tavern whenever you guys have had successful work. Normally stay at the nicer places for the week of downtime. If you don't have good work, you know, your lodgings reflect that. You guys have done fairly well. You guys have worked hard.
Chris/ GM:And so you arrive at a location called the Jade Forest. It is a pretty nice tavern. It has about 8 stories to it and is one of the larger buildings within the city center. There is a color scheme of white and green and every floor has a different mural that surrounds this building. As you approach the entrance, a person moves forward to take the horses and the carriage.
Chris/ GM:You learn from Roland that these horses and carriage have been rented anyway. This kid offers to take the horses back to where it's been rented. Roland, with the help of 1 of the crew members, carries the extra crate out, and you guys begin to approach a table putting the crate of batteries underneath the table as you guys begin to order brunch at this point. It's probably, like, 10 or 11 in the morning. Rowan sits down, leans back, orders his initial drinks, perhaps his meal of primarily some bready type dish.
Chris/ GM:So I have a couple of concerns, coming up. What what are your plans for the next next few days? I I could use a favor if you for are willing. You might have heard of this when I was talking to Casper, but, I'm looking for someone, someone who I recently found out to be in the city. He goes by Midnight Mirage.
Chris/ GM:He's always having a thing for alliteration. Someone I know from way back when, I would like to find him. My skills aren't necessarily within that range. Now Jasper and Bill, your perception checks allowed you to get bits and pieces of this. You remember something that Casper said?
Chris/ GM:Casper is a gnoll, primarily white fur, saying something to Rowan about a vendetta for some reason.
Brad/Yasper:Rowan, if I may, you don't strike me as the type of man to miss an acquaintance and look to reconnect over the years.
Chris/ GM:I like to think I have friends. Softly chuckles to themselves. What?
Jake/BIlge:Sure. I'm
Brad/Yasper:not saying that you are friendless.
Jake/BIlge:Sure. You got friends. You got me. Right.
Chris/ GM:And I have all of you. So, you know, I I just I could use a favor if you could help me track this guy down. I have people I can ask around, but I don't have the same doors that some of you have. So we can ask around and explore. Maybe there there's something here.
Chris/ GM:And, Hellion wants it a potion of some sort too. So
Brad/Yasper:I'm reminded of something my father once said. It is hard to fill a man's ear when his cup is empty.
Chris/ GM:The food and drinks come at this point. Amber excuses herself and she has some form of tobacco, heads outside, and goes for a smoke for a a brief moment. She doesn't have any contacts in the city, so Rowan doesn't care very much. Yeah. I mean, I could use some help, and I'm certain some of the other crew could help too, but, you know, it's hard to carry a skeleton head around trying to get information.
Speaker 4:We tend to carry, shackles in a suitcase,
Chris/ GM:really. You know?
Brad/Yasper:I believe it was a backpack last time. They said they didn't mind.
Speaker 4:Do I need to roll a deception check?
Chris/ GM:If you want to.
Speaker 4:I wanna see if Shu can convince Rowan. It's only an 18.
Hayden/Shou:Their goal save might be higher than that.
Chris/ GM:Yeah. Their goal save is pretty. He squints at you. Sha shackles is okay with it for a very short amount of time. They like their freedom as we all do.
Chris/ GM:But it is very convenient to put someone in your backpack for a little bit to stave on a, you know, carriage ticket.
Speaker 4:So more about this, contact?
Chris/ GM:Yeah. When I was in Talisman, I encountered a group of people within the main city interested in some jobs. Much like how we take jobs, I took a job, one of them, and met a man. He's actually much like Yushu. He had some arcane skill, basic martial training, and he was able to incorporate those two styles to channel magic through a dagger or a sword.
Chris/ GM:He is, what you would call an improvised fighter. So there was one point in time where he picked up a chair and channeled an electricity ability through it, which was pretty fascinating. And, he's he's in town. And I admit I left Talisman to not be around some of those people. But if he's around, I I would like to touch bases, see how he's doing.
Chris/ GM:Yeah.
Speaker 4:Julie's on good terms with Mirage.
Chris/ GM:Oh, absolutely not. That's good information to know.
Jake/BIlge:I don't care, Rhode, if I find him. You just wanna catch up. It's a friendly favor, at least I could do. All I would say he wants in return as a friendly favor. Let's sing fair.
Chris/ GM:I mean, I'm not one to keep tallies, but if you need some help, I can help you.
Jake/BIlge:All I need to know, friend.
Chris/ GM:He drinks. Ember returns from her cigarette break, and she's now holding a handful of papers, and she seems a little unsettled. As you guys start to eat your meal, you're probably halfway through at this point. Her food is still untouched. She puts the papers face down on the ground.
Chris/ GM:Guys, you you might wanna look at at these.
Brad/Yasper:In a in a minute.
Jake/BIlge:What did you do?
Brad/Yasper:I in a minute. I specifically asked for no walnuts. Ma'am? Ma'am? Blast it.
Brad/Yasper:Alright what you got there?
Chris/ GM:It's like take take a look inconspicuously. We will try to
Speaker 4:very stealthily take a look at side eye. Oh, it's a natural twenty. Guys. That's what I want my natural twenties to be used on. Side eyes.
Chris/ GM:Look at a piece of paper.
Brad/Yasper:That's why you don't roll until it tells you.
Chris/ GM:Shoot. You grab one, and you see a pretty poor picture of a skeleton within a little box. And it says bounty. 28 100 gold pieces. Known to be called shackles.
Speaker 4:What? Fucking. They have shackles now? Oh, god.
Chris/ GM:Bill, did you grab another one, and you see your own bounty? It says, bounty, a picture of you known as bilge, 3,650 gold pieces.
Jake/BIlge:Looks nothing like me.
Chris/ GM:Ember, like, grabs it from your hand. It's like, don't hold it up to your face.
Jake/BIlge:I'm proud of my work, girl.
Chris/ GM:Bilge's bounty has increased from 1400 to 3,650. Balge's don't normally double.
Brad/Yasper:Bill, I don't know if I'm the greatest record keeper in the world, but that seems as significantly high as some. Have you been moonlighting?
Jake/BIlge:You really wanna know?
Brad/Yasper:And, like, ask for things for a minute. I really did ask for no walnuts. This is most disappointing.
Chris/ GM:You briefly go over the papers. You see things like Serenity, 10,000 gold pieces. Shiel Long, 75 100 gold pieces. Rowan, 4,350 gold pieces. Shu, 22100.
Chris/ GM:Jasper, 2,000. Peachy, 50. Of notes, Cyan has a 6,000 gold piece bounty, and cyan didn't have a bounty prior to this adventure a couple months ago. Serenity went up from a bounty of 3,000 to 10,000. More than tripled.
Brad/Yasper:I know it's silly. I know it. In my heart of hearts, it's silly. But I can't help but feel a little myth that everybody else jumped up so much.
Speaker 4:Save a small town, increase your bounty by double, just hero thing.
Jake/BIlge:It's entirely insulting. This Shayan has a bigger bounty than me. I will not have it.
Brad/Yasper:Well, maybe don't rectify that right now.
Chris/ GM:In total, your bounties are 45,000 gold pieces.
Speaker 4:It's more than some small cities have in, like, their treasuries.
Chris/ GM:Rowan kinda shakes his head a little bit, taking another drink.
Brad/Yasper:If we were to turn ourselves in, we could bankrupt this economy.
Speaker 4:I'm quite sure that they would just take it out of the Cody of Vaults, honestly. They have a lot of money there.
Chris/ GM:Roland kinda scratches the back of his head, looks at this terrible picture of what looks to be like a firebird for his bouncy, puts the picture face down. I don't understand why that her bounty why why did her bounty increase so much? This should not this should not be the case. This doesn't make any sense to me. We were a crew for 5 years before the incident a couple months ago, and we weren't even fighting government.
Chris/ GM:We're just fighting some bandits. Why? Why? This this makes us comparable to the worst of the worst. You know, the marauder gangs that that exist on the countryside attacking trade things, they don't even have a bounty as high as this.
Speaker 4:Would it be that that group had some connections to Acadia?
Chris/ GM:I I don't know. These pictures aren't gonna give us away, but if we if we stay in a group too much, coincidences are not you know, will not be taken closely. I I'm gonna go back to the ship. I would recommend staying groups of 3 or 4 or something. But perhaps we're, you know, too many fish in the pond right now.
Jake/BIlge:Sure. You go on ahead. We'll find Mirage and whatever potions you didn't mention the name of too well. It's fine. We got it.
Chris/ GM:Well, talk to Hellion. She wants it for experimenting with, like, shooting a explosive on a crossbow bolt or something. I don't really know. He puts down a a couple of gold pieces. Yeah.
Chris/ GM:Don't do anything that would bring attention to us, I guess. I guess that's just a normal rule for our lifestyle anyway. Ember, I'm sorry. You you're not a part of this. You you can find some other people to hang with.
Chris/ GM:You're not committed to the shadow's high mayor or to captain Amber looks like, I'll I'll think about it. This is a lot of money.
Jake/BIlge:What do you mean by that?
Chris/ GM:You? You did me a solid. You saved my town. That's priceless. Priceless.
Chris/ GM:But I thought I was just hanging out with some low low
Speaker 4:You can say it. Low life.
Chris/ GM:Yeah. No. Yeah. Yeah. Damn it.
Chris/ GM:But I don't I don't know if I can handle this kind of well, we'll see. I'll hang out for a couple days.
Brad/Yasper:I'm sure the captain will be more than amicable to writing you a letter of recommendation.
Speaker 4:How exactly to help?
Brad/Yasper:It won't. Think think about it. You got a few days.
Speaker 4:I assume we bought like a bottle of rice wine to share amongst the table.
Chris/ GM:Probably. She
Speaker 4:will take a bit of it, pour it into one of the glasses and just put it over to Amber. Put a bit of rice wine in their own cup and just say you have nothing to worry about. We may be low lifes as you're implying, but we do good. We don't harm people that don't deserve it. And they'll hold up they'll hold up the cup to to clink.
Chris/ GM:She clinks. Are you not con concerned about this?
Speaker 4:Chu looks around and just looks at all the posters or the the bounties. Looks back at Amber and just says, I'm not entirely too concerned. Maybe if their drawings didn't look like a 5 year old had drawn them, I might care a little more. But at the moment, it's gonna be hard to identify us. And, honestly, with this amount of money, they no reasonable person is going to think that we're worth going after.
Speaker 4:Now we're going to have to worry about special people coming after us.
Chris/ GM:We fade to black with Rowan taking the bounties. I'm gonna give this to the captain. Have a good day. Let me know if you hear anything, and our crew is gonna be wandering around town. So if you see them, just let them know.
Brad/Yasper:Okay. Like and and that hits Jasper know that. That hits Jasper hard, like, that is a 100% true. Yeah. I mean, so out of character, think of
Speaker 4:Yeah. I mean, so out of character, think about it. If your bounty is so high, the average everyday bounty hunter is not gonna go, yeah. Let me take down this thousands of gold bounty person and their friends that are all with them. No.
Speaker 4:It's gonna be the people that are, like, actually going after you. Like, I want to hunt this person down. And there's less of those people, so we're we're fine.
Chris/ GM:But but also, you guys are not worth the bounty. You're like, no offense to you guys. But you guys are are not worth the bounty that you guys have received. Right? Yeah.
Chris/ GM:That's what we got. And so, like, if a level 8 bounty hunter comes in and fights the party, you're fucked. Right? You need you need to get saved by one of your higher level crew members.
Brad/Yasper:Nah. Fuck that. We'll be fine. We got it fine.
Chris/ GM:Some of the group is
Jake/BIlge:We'll be we'll be rolling in it. It's fine.
Chris/ GM:So you guys need is a training montage where you guys gain 5 levels on
Speaker 4:Yeah. Yeah. That's what I'm hearing. Training montage time.
Brad/Yasper:It's gonna be a montage.
Chris/ GM:Theme music plays. Recap happens. Weener? Did I hear that correctly? Weener, weener, weener?
Brad/Yasper:It's a South Park joke.
Chris/ GM:Weener, weener,
Speaker 4:weener, weener, Weener. Weener.
Chris/ GM:I'm very impressed by the creators of South Park for being as intelligent as they are in storytelling, but then still choosing to create sales park.
Jake/BIlge:That's a fair statement.
Chris/ GM:Ever, like, watch a video on them talking about storytelling technique? They're, like, pretty intelligent and they have pretty good ideas. But then it's just South Park.
Brad/Yasper:I mean, in fairness, it's worked out pretty well.
Chris/ GM:How can we say the most offensive things and get away with it? Oh, go ahead, Brad.
Brad/Yasper:No. No. I'm just yeah. No. They're rich.
Chris/ GM:Gonna be rich. I'll tell dick jokes for money. Bet. I'll tell dick jokes for free.
Chris/ GM:This would be her 3rd ascension.
Speaker 4:It's pretty powerful then.
Hayden/Shou:Kinda scary.
Speaker 4:Don't mess with captain.
Chris/ GM:You guys are bringing attention to yourselves without that.
Speaker 4:What? You're telling me that saving the entire city from a group of, like, brigands and then flying off with them knowing us knowing that we're pirates is bringing attention to ourselves? Maybe a little. No. No.
Brad/Yasper:Like a hero.
Jake/BIlge:Like a hero.
Brad/Yasper:We should be cautious. Hold on. Let me get the voice saying potato potato 7 t lemonade. We should be cautious today. Shut up.
Chris/ GM:Please note that we all muted ourselves as you started talking. Yeah.
Brad/Yasper:Yeah. But I could see. I could see.
Speaker 4:I'll ask too hard.
Jake/BIlge:I could handle potato, boo.
Speaker 4:Yeah. This is I got that. Lemonade. 7 tea. What?
Speaker 4:The plant That's why I said
Brad/Yasper:The plantation lemonade.
Speaker 4:The the Yeah. That's right. The lost cause. Bless your heart. Yes.
Speaker 4:Bless your heart.
Brad/Yasper:At least it's not
Chris/ GM:Hard pass.
Speaker 4:So you sorry. Sorry. You heard the way you said to us. Yeah.
Chris/ GM:Creatures they keep here?
Brad/Yasper:They're called oaks, you racist lupnos.
Jake/BIlge:Have we
Chris/ GM:You say that to the gnoll, which is funny as well.
Jake/BIlge:This meat doughnut is delicious.
Brad/Yasper:What what animal did they say this was?
Speaker 4:No. In this place, it's probably a hybrid.
Brad/Yasper:As long as it didn't tall.
Speaker 4:It was a chicken pig.
Chris/ GM:It is a combination, not the same animal. I wanna be very clear. It's a combination of pork and shrimp. It's like a ground up mixture of ground pork and ground seafood. I
Speaker 4:don't trust this. A pimp? It was the same animal. Piggy. Hold up.
Speaker 4:A pin. They ground up a pin.
Jake/BIlge:I my bet was on sparkled eel.
Chris/ GM:Sparkled eel?
Jake/BIlge:Yeah. Dude, yeah. I mean
Chris/ GM:Yeah. That's true. Next next time. That's my
Brad/Yasper:that's my ascension.
Chris/ GM:Primarily white fur, hence the name Casper.
Speaker 4:They have Casper the ghost in this universe?
Chris/ GM:Yes. We have Casper the ghost. So that's
Speaker 4:Oh my god.
Brad/Yasper:I'm reminded of something my father once said. It is hard to fill a man's ear when his cup is empty.
Jake/BIlge:Allow me even. Bill's just gonna start buying a large number of drinks.
Chris/ GM:Are you asking him for money or are you asking him for drinks?
Speaker 4:Drinks. Yeah. Yeah.
Brad/Yasper:Yeah. Okay.
Chris/ GM:I was like, are you really shaking down your crewmate for payment?
Speaker 4:But like That would be funnier though.
Brad/Yasper:One, anything I quote from like Jasper's father is an asshole statement. And
Speaker 4:2, and and
Brad/Yasper:2 might have been
Speaker 4:about Yassir's family members.
Brad/Yasper:Like like, in a bar, if you're like, I need a favor, you're like, well, clearly, you should have started with let me buy you a fucking drink and then ask for the favor.
Chris/ GM:You know, it was probably in my head as a game master that just didn't happen on paper.
Speaker 4:Hey, it's set up for a good
Jake/BIlge:a good moment there.
Brad/Yasper:No. I I like that about it says something about Rowan. He's like, I need a favor. No. I'm not buying you a drink.
Jake/BIlge:Well, it also says something because Bill just going out of his way to make this moment as smooth as possible. Like, even being friendly after saying, I'm sick of all of you. He Bill just needs this to just work out. Do we
Brad/Yasper:get the sense that Bill just wants the hatchet to be buried or that Bill just really interested in
Speaker 4:But,
Jake/BIlge:he like, the reason is to why it's still in the air.
Chris/ GM:He drinks.
Speaker 4:Cheers. Love the socially awkward build.
Chris/ GM:Is that an emoji cup he just cheers me with?
Jake/BIlge:It's loaded with so many different smileys. And the, warmer the beverage, the more smileys there are.
Chris/ GM:Is this a warm beverage you're drinking or a cold beverage?
Jake/BIlge:It was warm and now it is cold.
Speaker 4:Ah, story of my life. Every time I go to drink anything, it looks like, ah, my nice hot Oh, this has been sitting
Jake/BIlge:out for an hour and a half. My smileys are fading.
Chris/ GM:You know, too many fish in the pond right now.
Brad/Yasper:My father used to
Jake/BIlge:find your mister Mulan. We'll find your
Brad/Yasper:My father used
Jake/BIlge:to run. I fucking did it twice.
Brad/Yasper:Sorry. Sorry, Jake. Sorry. I'm shut up.
Jake/BIlge:I can't see you, bro. I did not just wait for it. You go first.
Brad/Yasper:No. Go ahead.
Speaker 4:No. You first. What the fuck was I saying? We'll find that Midnight Mirager.
Jake/BIlge:Oh, yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Speaker 4:We don't harm people that don't deserve it.
Brad/Yasper:We may be bad guys, but we're not bad guys.
Chris/ GM:Kindred Journey Skyfire is not published, endorsed, or specifically approved by Paizo. For more information about Paizo Inc. And Paizo products visit paizo.com. Kintur Journey Skyfire is copyright by Skaldsteel Entertainment LLC 2024.